Ketchum's Got Your Six
In the military, "got your six" means "I've got your back". The saying originated with WWI fighter pilots referencing the rear of an airplane as the six o'clock position. On a battlefield, your "six" is the most vulnerable. So, when someone tells you that they've "got your six", it means they're watching your back. By extension, that person expects you to have their "six" as well.
22 veterans die by suicide each day in the United States. Brandon Ketchum was one of those 22. Brandon was a Marine who served two tours of duty in Iraq. After Brandon left the Marines, he joined the National Guard and did a tour in Afghanistan, where he was injured. Brandon was injured during service to his country. He went where others would not, and did what others feared to do. Ketchum's injuries were both physical and emotional. Brandon was in pain and suffering. On July 8, 2016, Brandon Ketchum died from suicide after suffering from PTSD for many years.
We are a fundraising organization that helps raise funds to provide training for service dogs to our Wisconsin Veterans suffering from PTSD. We sponsor several events throughout the year including an online auction as well as Ketchum's Ride that takes place in September every year. In conjuction with our ride, we also sponsor a Chili Lunch and Silent Auction.

Brandon Ketchum - served 2 tours in Iraq and 1 tour in Afghanistan as a Guardsman. Brandon died by suicide in 2016 after suffering from PTSD for many years.

Brandon Ketchum - served 2 tours in Iraq and 1 tour in Afghanistan as a Guardsman. Brandon died by suicide in 2016 after suffering from PTSD for many years.

Thank you for your interest in Ketchum's Got Your Six and Ketchum's Ride. If you have any questions or would like additional information, would like to volunteer or have concerns, please contact us. We'll get back to you in a timely manner.